Cynthia_Lin1Saturday June 22

$20 per class, or both for $35. Email Cynthia at mindbodyvoice@gmail.com to sign up.

$10 per class for SHARED members.

The diaphragm is the muscle at the bottom of your ribcage that controls your breathing – and when you understand how the diaphragm works and practice using it, you’ll find the key to completely relaxed breathing and a fully released voice. This conscious deep breathing has numerous health benefits and is the foundation for good vocal projection and singing.

In the Diaphragm Breathing 101 workshop, you’ll learn to pay attention to your own breathing mechanism. Vocal coach Cynthia Lin will lead the class through exercises designed to isolate the diaphragm, stretch and deepen the breath, and unlock tension in the body that gets in the way of full release. You’ll leave relaxed and recharged, and you’ll receive take-home exercises to help you establish diaphragm breathing as your everyday breathing.

Please dress comfortably and bring a yoga mat or beach towel to lie down on for breathing exercises

(Workshop is appropriate for singers and speakers of all levels, no experience necessary.)



If you can talk, then you can sing. The voice we use everyday to talk, laugh, and whisper is actually an instrument. Singing is just a matter of learning to play that instrument, and yes, everyone can learn to sing. Learn the basics of how to tune and play your instrument!

In the Intro to Singing workshop, vocal coach Cynthia Lin will lead the class through easy vocal warm ups with explanations of how the body is working to produce those sounds. Exercises include diaphragm breathing, opening the throat, humming, creating round vowel sounds and crisp consonants, intonation, and group singing. Understanding how the voice works will help you feel more confident, let go of your inhibitions, and sing freely!

(Workshop is appropriate for singers and speakers of all levels, no experience necessary.)

Questions and sign up, please email Cynthia at mindbodyvoice@gmail.com.  See you in class!