Grow Your Own Blue Cheese: June 22

Sunday, June 22, noon-3pm
$86 | $69 SHARED members – Register here.

What is veiny, stinky and alive with mold? What can you make in your own kitchen using store-bought milk and easy-to-find equipment? A beautiful piece of blue cheese! FARMcurious brings the spectacular San Francisco Milk Maid to show us a whirlwind introduction to home cheesemaking with a focus on the style of blue cheeses.

We’ll start with a vat of warm milk and wind our way over the course of three hours to something aged and robust. We’ll do plenty of sampling, of course, to make sure you know what you’re looking for in a magnificent chunk of moldy cheese.

Each participant brings home a freshly made mini wheel to grow old and moldy with. This class is a good introduction to cheesemaking or, even better, a ‘next step’ for those who’ve already made yogurt, ricotta, mozzarella or chevre.

Ticket price includes instruction, tastings, recipes and edible homework.

Supplies Required:  Nothing is required but feel free to BYOB.

Limit: 20 people