DIY and Locally-Made Trends: Makers Sparking Economic Change

Originally posted on

Making things has become popular again. Technology has brought new tools to enable this. New DIY websites and apps pop up every day. Etsy has over one million artisan sellers generating nearly a billion dollars in revenue last year. New ways to access capital such as Quirky and Kickstarter are available. Events such as the Maker Faire provide opportunities for Makers to celebrate, showcase, and share ideas. Hundreds of thousands of people attend Maker Faire all over the world.

Making not only empowers one with skills and shifts one’s perspective of the world to one of potential and opportunity, it can enable a more constructive trajectory for our economy. The Maker Movement, started in the past decade, encourages people to create, build, design, tinker, modify, hack, invent, or basically to make something. Combined with larger economic trends, this has resulted in new entrepreneurs, businesses, and products.

Starting a new venture is inherently risky. However as the attractiveness of other options diminishes, so does the risk in starting something new. High domestic unemployment, increasing costs of labor abroad, increasing costs of materials all contribute to encouraging Makers domestically.

As our country progresses on it’s path towards becoming a post-industrial, post-imperial power, it is only natural that import-replacement will arise to counter our trade imbalance. Import-replacement is the process by which locals produce a good that was previously imported. For example if we were to produce locally-made bicycles to replace imported ones, this is how it might happen. It would start by people learning how to repair bicycles. Then businesses would start producing popular parts needed in bicycle repair. Eventually businesses would produce whole bicycles. This change can cause a chain reaction, impacting not only the bicycle industry. For example the shop producing popular bicycle parts for repair may also be able to produce parts for other products. Import-replacement of one product may stimulate import-replacement of other products. This builds diversify in the economy.1

With the cost of labor increasing abroad, places of production are beginning to shift. After decades of apparel manufacturing moving south to Mexico and then West to Asia, the trend is reversing. Apparel manufacturers are rebuilding domestic manufacturing infrastructure and training a new labor force.2

This environment is particularly conducive to constructive evolution of our economy. Emeritus professor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cyril Stanley Smith, points out that successful economic development has to be open-ended rather than goal-oriented and has to evolve — unforeseeable problems arise and need to be met with improvisational problem-solving. He also notes that historically, necessity has not been the mother of invention; rather, necessity opportunistically picks up invention and improvises improvements on it and new uses for it, but the roots of invention are to be found elsewhere, in motives like curiosity, especially aesthetic curiosity. Metallurgy itself, he reminds us, began with hammering copper into necklace beads and other ornaments “long before ‘useful’ knives and weapons” were made of copper or bronze.3

Valuing and encouraging creativity, equipping Makers with tools to produce and start businesses, and purchasing locally-made products, will encourage constructive economic development. Let’s build a better world together.

1. Jacobs, Jane, Cities and the Wealth of Nations: Principles of Economic Life, Vintage Books, 1984.

2. ” A Wave of Sewing Jobs as Orders Pile Up at U.S. Factories,” New York Times, 2013 Sept 29.

3. Smith, Cyril Stanley, “Aesthetic Curiosity – The Root of Invention,” New York Times, August 24 1975.

Happy Hour with Dec 5, 5-7pm

December 5th 5-7pm

Come hang out with the SHARED coworkers. Have a bite or a drink (provided by is an organization started by key leaders in the tech community to promote policies to keep the United States and its citizens competitive in a global economy—including comprehensive immigration reform and education reform. We believe the global economy is changing and America must make significant changes to stay ahead. We work to encourage Congress to focus on policies that maximize the potential of our country’s workforce to contribute to the knowledge economy.

This campaign will harness the best of new and old organizing tactics. We use online social organizing, which many of our founders pioneered, to build a movement in the tech community, while engaging in direct advocacy at the state and district level to support members of Congress, regardless of party. For more info, please check out our website.

Creation vs Consumption

The holidays are coming up. They are often celebrated by shopping, an annual ritual of the Consumer Belief System in which who we are is defined by what we consume.

What is the Consumer Belief System? Unlike traditional belief systems which are intended to be guides for living, the Consumer Belief System is meant to support industrialization by encouraging the consumption of products. Industrialization is the shift towards an economy of mass-production, distribution, and consumption facilitated by centrally-controlled large organizations. Because mass-production results in more products than people actually need, advertising and marketing becomes crucial to the process. Consumers need to be made to want the products that are produced. It is the advertising and marketing industries that have spear-headed the development of the Consumer Belief System.

In recent years there have been some who, in reaction to consuming, choose to celebrate by not consuming – for example by celebrating Buy Nothing Day on the day after Thanksgiving in lieu of Black Friday. While this is a noble effort, it still focuses on the Consumer Belief System. I believe that it is stronger to define your self in the affirmative, therefore I promote the practice of creation. Practicing creation empowers one with skills and shifts one’s perspective of the world to one of potential and opportunity.

I have taught many people how to sew over the years. The first session in the beginning sewing class the students learned how to thread their sewing machine and do some basic stitches. Initially I viewed this as an unexciting class to learn technical aspects of sewing. I quickly discovered that it was life-changing few hours for my students. The homework from the first class was to make a square, either a pin cushion or a fabric weight. At the second class, students always made some of both. They were so excited to be able to sew something, that they were eager to make things even if they were just squares. One student excitedly shared a story about one of her favorite pillows. It was getting old and worn out. For months she had not been looking forward to the day when she would have to throw the pillow out. After the first class she returned home and instead of seeing all the thread-bare spots on the pillow she saw all the parts that were still good and started thinking about the things she could make from the good parts. This is what I call seeing life with a perspective of potential and opportunity.

It is also important to reclaim one’s creativity because products are not the only things to be industrialized – culture has been as well. Culture is the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, attitudes, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. Over the past few decades massive consolidation and corporatization of the media, entertainment, and art sectors has resulted in a decrease of avenues for expression. Only a small, elite portion of society is able to promote their self-serving structure and ideology on a mass-scale.

I believe that your thoughts create your world. If you are not intentional about your thoughts, then you are living in a world created by someone else. I believe that everyone can be creative. Like everything else creativity needs to be cultivated and practiced. It’s best to start with something simple: making cards, bookmarks, ornaments, wreaths, potpourri. I encourage everyone to practice some creativity this holiday season – to cultivate oneself as well as to create personal gifts for loved ones.

Remember, your thoughts create your world. Make your a beautiful one.

SF Open Studios 2013: November 2-3

Our first Open Studios featuring artists: Ivan Bajinov, Gerald Barnes, Lisa Fernald-Barker, Marianne Bland, Liz Brozell, Kate Farrall, Fuzz Grant, Mark Harris, Rebecca Meredith, Regis Vincent, Susie Valdez, and Rodney Weiss.

SF Open Studios is the oldest and largest open studios program in the country, featuring an annual, month-long art event that showcases over 900 emerging and established San Francisco artists in their studios. Each weekend, art patrons, admirers, and collectors venture out on self-guided tours to see as many SF Open Studios artists and their artworks as possible, in the hopes of finding their next true art love. The event connects collectors with artists for engaging dialogue and a glimpse into the life of the working artist; SF Open Studios simultaneously helps artists build their mailing lists, gain new admirers, and ultimately sustain a living making art.











Chaat Cooking Class + Olive Oil & Balsamic Tasting: Nov 16, 2-4pm

Saturday Nov 16, 2-4pm
$75 non-member | $60 SHARED member

Learn how to make delicious Indian-inspired small plates “tapas,” known as Chaat cuisine, and delight your senses with an olive oil and balsamic vinegar tasting.  This session will begin with an education about olive oils & balsamic vinegars, including the health benefits of these products, how flavored varietals are made and the proper etiquette for tasting.  Tips for how to host your own tasting will be shared. This will be followed by a blind tasting of some select flavored varietals, utilizing the senses of smell and taste to guess the different flavors. A fun way to excite your culinary creativity!

The second portion of this session will feature fusion style cooking demos that display how to use these flavored olive oils & balsamic vinegars in Indian Chaat cuisine. The Chaat cuisine is traditional Indian street food, designed as small plates similar to tapas, and is great for appetizers or entertaining. During this session, you will learn how to make 2-3 popular Chaat dishes and receive an education about the Chaat cuisine and unique Indian ingredients used. Creative ways in which to serve the dishes and grocery shopping tips will be shared.

At the end of the class, participants will receive two 100mL bottles of Om Oliva’s olive oil & balsamic vinegar to continue the cooking at home!

Class taught by Om Olivia

Om Oliva began as an idea of the Om Oliva team – consisting of foodies who loved to cook & savor dishes with gourmet flavors, minus the long prep times and cooking processes. With the vision of creating products that enable any chef to transform every dish into something delectably gourmet “in a cinch” — Om Oliva Gourmet Olive Oils & Flavored Balsamic Vinegars was introduced.

Om Oliva products make it easy to add the flavors of your favorite ingredients to dishes without slicing, dicing, or mincing. With Om Oliva, you will create healthy gourmet cooking with an exotic twist!

Secrets of a PR Hacker: How to Get 200+ Media Outlets in 21 Countries to Love Your Startup: Oct 30, 6-8:30pm

October 30, 6-8:30 pm. It’s FREE, just RSVP.

Would you like to drive millions of users to your website, product, mobile app, or service by harnessing the power of free mass media coverage?

Would you like to raise $120,000 on Kickstarter in under one week?

Quadruple-threat PR hacker Ben Kaplan has done it all — as a media pundit, brand spokesperson, boutique PR firm owner, and seasoned journalist. In this interactive workshop, he’ll show you how a little creativity and strategy can turn you and your business into a media superstar that generates millions of dollars worth of publicity at minimal cost to your start-up, growing business, or other venture.
Become a Media Superstar


  • Startup founders and entrepreneurs who need to show “traction”
  • PR and marketing managers who need media coverage on a limited budget
  • Individuals who are launching Kickstarter or other crowdfunding campaigns
  • Anyone who wants to “hack” the PR system for their company or cause


  • How to “create news” and make ANY start-up more “newsworthy”
  • How to leverage breaking news and seasonal “news pegs” for more publicity
  • How to best pitch TV producers, radio hosts, newspaper reporters, and magazine editors
  • How to tactically “change up” your pitch when targeting bloggers and online influencers
  • How to build and manage your own media contact list in minimal time
  • How to organize and manage a strategic e-mail blast to media contacts
  • How to quickly and easily demonstrate your expertise and credentials
  • How to “pre-produce” a segment or story for the media
  • How to convert media exposure into website traffic and user data capture
  • How to transform a single media interview into regular repeat appearances
  • How to answer any media question by perfecting your “talking points”
  • How to add “buzz” to your interviews by using hot-button stories and phrases


We’d love to have you come prepared to briefly explain your product, service, company, or cause (in just a few sentences). Near the end of the presentation, we’ll invite audience members on stage to participate in a Lightning Pitch round. In 3 minutes or less, Ben will help you brainstorm an awesome “media hook” for getting widespread PR and media coverage.


Learn more at

Data Visualization Fun with Halftone

Data Visualization Fun with Halftone

Global land temperatures were one metric that Paul and Michael (SHARED members) were gathering for a project. For fun they threw this interactive presentation of the data together. It’s beautiful and engaging. Enjoy.

Halftone helps clients manage, design, and realize data visualization projects of any size. Our focus is solving industry specific problems and communicating effectively through visualization and interaction design. Halftone is housed at SHARED.

San Francisco Fashion Week’s Fashion Tech Expo: Sept 25, 6-9pm

Wednesday September 25th, 6-9pm

San Francisco Fashion and Merchants Alliance, Inc. (SFFAMA) is pleased to announce San Francisco Fashion Week ® 2013 : September 23-29, 2013. San Francisco Fashion Week ® 2013 will highlight the convergence of fashion and technology unique to the San Francisco fashion industry while showcasing emerging designers and student collections.

/ Featured by Emerging Startups:

  1. Ajent @styleajent
  2. Mbient Lab
  3. Styleend
  4. Tie Society @tiesociety
  5. Tog+Porter @togandporter
  6. Trymble
  7. UB-Mobile @
  8. Zachees
  9. [More to come]


San Francisco Fashion Week ® 2013 is a growing celebration highlighting the strategic convergence of fashion, design and technology unique to the San Francisco fashion industry while showcasing innovative and emerging designers and week-long events and workshops featuring entrepreneurs in fashion, design, wearable technology, startups, retailers and public projects. Runway shows feature Couture, Ready to Wear, Menswear Showcase and Emerging Designers. Fashionistas, Techies, boutiques, buyers, bloggers, design leaders and key industry influencers will descend upon the City by the Bay. This city-wide event will feature multiple locations for seven days and nights of fashion celebrating San Francisco style, spirit and leading innovation.

SFFAMA, Inc. produces the annual SAN FRANCISCO FASHION WEEK® showcasing innovative and emerging designers, innovative brands and sponsors, and a full schedule of events and workshops featuring fashion, design and technology entrepreneurs, retailers and public projects. SAN FRANCISCO FASHION WEEK® is the premier representative event for individuals, groups and organizations involved in the development and transformation of the fashion industry business vertical in San Francisco into the innovation and technology global industry leader. SAN FRANCISCO FASHION WEEK® represents the new vanguard in the convergence of fashion, technology and innovation, and is THE most pivotal fashion week platform to watch from the innovation and creative capital of the world – San Francisco.SHARED is the most unique coworking space in San Francisco, located in the heart of SoMa. Think of it as Tech Shop meets coworking.

Perfecting your Professional Pitch: Sept 18, 6:30-7:30pm

Wednesday, September 18th, 6:30-7:30pm

Brian created and leads a group workshop, “The 60 Seconds that Change Your Life,” which is a high-energy, interactive workshop focused on helping an array of professionals develop and deliver a clear, concise, and compelling 30- to 60-second pitch around their product. Brian has seen the value of a solid, professional pitch for funding your project, recruiting a team, energizing your user base, and making networking events more productive. Everyone has a story to share. Brian’s workshop makes it easier for you to do so.

Workshop led by Brian Rashid, Coach and Motivational Speaker


Brian coaches and leads workshops with an array of professionals ranging from software developers, attorneys, artists, film directors, startups, non-profits, companies and more. He focuses on elevating their personal and professional projects and performances. His services consist of building skill sets around personal and professional brand development, networking and organizing methods to showcase those skills, public speaking drafting and delivery coaching, and conversation coaching.

Artist Survival for All: August 10th 10:30am-noon

Saturday August 10th 10:30am-noon

Do you feel like an invisible artist?

Turn your art into your profession. 

Art of Hustle founder and coach, Anthem Salgado, will give a FREE*** workshop onsite at creative work-space, SHARED.  He will lead a lively conversation on an array of topics including arts marketing, business, and career!

This live workshop is perfect for new and emerging artists.  Come with questions.  Leave with concrete tips and action steps.

*** Admission is free to anyone that has completed the online “Smartest Artist’s Kit” course. Learn how to write your resume, biography, and artist statement.  And then meet with Anthem in person to get advice and feedback related to your goals!



Anthem Salgado founded professional development program and web resource, Art of Hustle, providing training and consulting for independent artists, creative entrepreneurs, small businesses and nonprofit organizations. He focuses on marketing, helping maximize on referral building, social media, and income generation opportunities.

His experience spans 15 years across industries that include arts, education, nightlife, cultural and community affairs, and more. He has been employed to market the programs of Intersection for the Arts, Kearny Street Workshop, Center for Asian American Media, Kularts Inc., and Kapwa Conference for Educators, among many other organizations and projects.

He has given lectures and workshops at Foundation Center, Network of Ensemble Theaters Summit, UCLA, SF State University, University of San Francisco, California Institute of Integral Studies, Sonoma State University, Napa Valley College, and Mills College. He has appeared on panels hosted by Social Media Week, Emerging Arts Professionals, and Asian Art Museum.

Awards include the Arts & Culture Fellowship to Rockwood Leadership Institute, Philippines Fulbright-Hays scholarship via Sonoma State University’s North Bay International Studies Program, Fellowship to Behance’s 99% Conference, and the title of Young Leader of Color by Theatre Communications Group.


Intro to Ukulele workshop – no uke necessary!: July 13th 1-2:30pm


Saturday July 13th 1-2:30pm
$30 // $20 for SHARED members

Ukulele is easy, fun, and a great first instrument. Play a song on the uke by the end of your first class!

(*if you don’t already have an uke, I can prepare a loaner uke for you. please message me to confirm that you’ll need one, thanks! we’ll make sure everyone has an uke to play.)

Learn the basics of the ukulele:
– string names
– how to hold it
– basic strumming pattern
– three chords: C, F, and G
– how to read a chord chart

Plus test out the different sizes of ukuleles and get recs from Cynthia on how to buy your first uke. Feel free to bring your uke questions. You’ll go home with a chord chart, and a lesson sheet for your first song on the uke so you can practice and jam out at your next beach picnic or BBQ!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

C Y N T H I A  L I N  M U S I C

SHARED is hosting SF Open Studios November 2 & 3

*** July 9th Update: All our Open Studios slots are filled. ***

Want to participate in SF Open Studios 2013 and need a space to show your work? Apply here to show at SHARED.

Please keep in mind the various ArtSpan Registration deadlines: July 1 and September 9. Once accepted to show at SHARED you will need to register with ArtSpan.

Spaces available:

Nine spaces 9’x9′ in the shared work-space. $150 for the weekend.

First floor shared work-space

And two spaces 10’x10′ in the meeting room. $225 for the weekend.



Cynthia_Lin1Saturday June 22

$20 per class, or both for $35. Email Cynthia at to sign up.

$10 per class for SHARED members.

The diaphragm is the muscle at the bottom of your ribcage that controls your breathing – and when you understand how the diaphragm works and practice using it, you’ll find the key to completely relaxed breathing and a fully released voice. This conscious deep breathing has numerous health benefits and is the foundation for good vocal projection and singing.

In the Diaphragm Breathing 101 workshop, you’ll learn to pay attention to your own breathing mechanism. Vocal coach Cynthia Lin will lead the class through exercises designed to isolate the diaphragm, stretch and deepen the breath, and unlock tension in the body that gets in the way of full release. You’ll leave relaxed and recharged, and you’ll receive take-home exercises to help you establish diaphragm breathing as your everyday breathing.

Please dress comfortably and bring a yoga mat or beach towel to lie down on for breathing exercises

(Workshop is appropriate for singers and speakers of all levels, no experience necessary.)



If you can talk, then you can sing. The voice we use everyday to talk, laugh, and whisper is actually an instrument. Singing is just a matter of learning to play that instrument, and yes, everyone can learn to sing. Learn the basics of how to tune and play your instrument!

In the Intro to Singing workshop, vocal coach Cynthia Lin will lead the class through easy vocal warm ups with explanations of how the body is working to produce those sounds. Exercises include diaphragm breathing, opening the throat, humming, creating round vowel sounds and crisp consonants, intonation, and group singing. Understanding how the voice works will help you feel more confident, let go of your inhibitions, and sing freely!

(Workshop is appropriate for singers and speakers of all levels, no experience necessary.)

Questions and sign up, please email Cynthia at  See you in class!

SPEAKING with CLARITY: voice workshop for presenters: May 15, 7-8pm

Wednesday May 15, 7-8pm
$20 | free for Shared-SF members

You have a great message, and you’ve won the opportunity to present it. Now make sure your message is heard – learn how to properly warm up the voice and practice vocally connecting to your material for a clear, confident, engaging sound.

Vocal coach Cynthia Lin will lead the group through exercises focused on improving tone and projection, articulating consonants and lifting key words, and experimenting with pace, range, and vocal variety. Then each participant will get a chance to practice in front of the group and receive individualized coaching from Cynthia. A take-home sheet of practice tips will help you prepare for your next big presentation.

Bring the opening paragraph from your own talk, or use provided material from historical speeches. Questions and registration, email Cynthia at $20 / free for Shared-SF members.


Workshop led by Cynthia Lin, performer and vocal coach,,


The 60 Seconds that Change your Life: Perfecting your Professional Pitch: May 23, 6-7pm

Thursday May 23, 6-7pm

Have great ideas or a current project you are working on but need to hone how you are talking about it? This 60 minute highly interactive workshop will provide each participant with a 30-60 second pitch showcasing your most current project and why YOU are the perfect person to lead it. Perfecting your pitch is critical to pitching VC’s, recruiting teams, energizing a user base, and turning networking events into future business. We all have a story to share with the world. This seminar helps you share that message in the most concise and compelling way possible. The results are astounding- so come check it out!

Workshop led by Brian Rashid, Coach and Motivational Speaker


Brian coaches and leads workshops with an array of professionals ranging from software developers, attorneys, artists, film directors, startups, non-profits, companies and more. He focuses on elevating their personal and professional projects and performances. His services consist of building skill sets around personal and professional brand development, networking and organizing methods to showcase those skills, public speaking drafting and delivery coaching, and conversation coaching.

Bloom: May 3rd, 5:30pm – late

Friday May 3rd, 5:30pm – late

Orange and SHARED come together for bloom: a party celebrating the grand opening of SHARED, the beginning of Spring, and the latest studio booth theme from Orange!

Come dressed in your best spring-themed costume: come as your favorite flower or garden creature; think florals or tea party or picnic; or come as an Alfonse Mucha painting — anything Spring related! The BEST costume will win a FREE instudio headshot (voting will be done on FB) from orange.

Friday May 3rd, 5:30pm – late

Orange will be showcasing their newest studio booth theme so be ready for lots of photos!

Because this is also a fundraiser event, drink tickets will be sold on site for $5/drink — Spring specialty cocktails and Guinness on tap! Proceeds of drink tickets will go to Children With Cancer Charity.

Orange is also offering a headshot special from 4-5:30pm. For $75 donation, get a headshot with a retouched image. Simply donate online or one the day off. No appointment necessary, just drop in, make a donation, do good and enjoy the party!

Please let us know you’re joining us by Registering for a ticket. Looking forward to seeing everyone!


Need help on your costume? Drop by Sew Good (an all-levels sewing workshop @ SHARED): Tuesdays April 23 & 30, 6:30-9pm.

Write-Read: April 9, 5:30-6:30pm

Tuesday April 9, 5:30-6:30pm

90% of success is just showing up – showing up and writing that is. This one hour writing practice starts with showing up, pen and paper in hand ready to explore led by Jody Smiling.  Based on writing practice developed by Natalie Goldberg, the goal is to allow the written word to connect with the original mind, to write down the first thoughts we flash on, before the second and third thoughts come in and before our internal editors make corrections.

Write – Read – Write – Read.  We write for 15 minutes straight, no stopping, keeping our pens and hands moving, forgetting about grammar and spelling, letting our minds guide us.  After each 15 minute timed writing, we volunteer to read out loud. (There is always to option to pass on reading out loud.)  What’s unique about this method is that there is no feedback.  None.  It is just writing practice.  Free to write the best and the worst the world has ever heard we focus on learning to trust what intuitively comes — this is where the fresh energy is to grow new projects, to explore inner thoughts, discover obsessions, to see how our minds work.

“The mind changes all the time, just as the ocean waves change. Sometimes the water is turbulent, sometimes calm. You don’t have control of your mind; it goes where it wants to go. But with practice, you can have a relationship with it.” – Natalie Goldberg on meditation and writing practice.

Jody Smiling has studied and practiced writing with Natalie Goldberg for ten years.

You do not need to be a member to attend this event. If you are a non-member, please RSVP to so we know to look out for you and let you in the building.

Opening Date: March 1st

We’re in the home stretch. There’s still a lot of work to be done, but we’re almost there and have an open date: Friday March 1st.

The cabinets have been installed and the counter-tops templated. Now we’re waiting on the counter-top fabrication. Once the counter-tops are installed we can install all the new plumbing fixtures (sinks, faucets, etc.)

In the meantime, we’re installing the interior glass – a couple doors and interior windows to make the space more light and airy.

The lockers have arrived. The new lighting we ordered should be here soon.

To see how far the space has come, below are a couple work-in-progress shots of the second floor coworking space from November 2012 and January 2013.

We’ll be having various opening events that are FREE and open to the public: Happy Drawing Hour (Friday, March 1, 4-7pm) and Sew Good (Saturday, March 2, 1-4pm).

Progress Report

The new cabinets for the kitchen and bathrooms are here. The lockers and chairs have been ordered. The new lighting fixtures are on their way. We’ve replaced the sprinkler heads with new ones.

We’ve hit a little snag in our schedule though. The floors aren’t ready yet and we can’t paint the walls until the floors are finished. This means we can’t install the cabinets because we need the walls painted first.

The wood floor is coming along. We’ve sanded and patched the original wood. The staining and sealing is going slower that planned because of the rain, which makes each layer dry more slowly. It should be done this week though.

We’ve been having trouble getting the concrete floor re-finished. Hopefully it will be done next week. Think good thoughts for the concrete floor.

We’re aiming to open mid-December and have some Trial-Time slots open so people can come try out the space. We’re also planning some events/workshops for those looking for a creative distraction from the consuming during the holiday season.